
A building was purchased in 2012 for the development of the project and in 2013 land was purchased in the village of Kalnciems.

Kalnciems was chosen as an appropriate location for industrial development and according to the regional planning of the municipality of the Jelgave District, the property is located in an area of other industrial factories.

A Trademark was registered in 2013 in order to ensure the product identification.

From the years of 2012 to 2014 documentation for the procedure of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), according to a developed program of the National Environmental Policy from the Environment State Bureau. Environmental Impact Assessment procedures were developed in cooperation with a company Ltd. “Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment.”

In April 2014, the EIA report was received and a public discussion was arranged to be held in the House of Culture in the city of Kalnciems.

On May 13, 2014 another public meeting with Kalnciems citizens was organized to explain the details of the activities of the company. The meeting was intended to dispel any concerns and help develop a positive attitude with the residents, concerning the construction of a new lead ingot manufacturing plant in the industrial area and the positive impact that would favor the residents of Kalnciems.

The residents attending the meeting voiced their concerns and the company considered all their suggestions. In reaction to their requests, the company organized a trip to visit similar factories, so the residents could see how the factories actually worked.

In 2014, July 9 – 12th. A group of residents joined an organized trip to Poland, to tour successful operating acid-lead battery recycling factories. (Baterpol S.A. and Orzel Bialy S.A.)

The trip was organized to introduce residents to additional details and activities of these plants and dispel the rumors about the harmfulness of this kind of production to the environment and humans. The trip was attended by local Kalncieans Residents, Jelgava City Council Members, as well as representatives from institutions such as the State Environmental Service, Jelgava City Construction Board, and company representatives and journalists.

Participant’s questions were answered in connection with the activity of the plant and they were personally reassured that such plants are environmentally friendly and have no negative impact to the environment or human health.

Used battery recycling

Used battery recycling, refined lead and lead alloys production.

Our website is currently under development!
We look forward to seeing you soon on the “EcoLead” website!